Scientific Lecture at DDI by Prof. Muhammad Abdulghani
Published on 05/10/2022
Dasman Diabetes Institute (DDI), founded by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), recently held a scientific lecture titled ‘Update on Diabetes Management’. The lecture was presented by Prof. Muhammad Abdulghani, Professor of Medicine, Diabetes Division, University of Texas Health San Antonio.
During the lecture, Prof Abdulghani discussed latest updates on diabetes management and medications. The lecture was well attended by many internal and external researchers, in addition to academics, scientists and doctors from Kuwait University, Ministry of Health and other institutions in Kuwait.
Holding such scientific lectures stems from the Institute’s mission which is “To address the diabetes epidemic in Kuwait through focused diabetes, research, integrated prevention, training, education and treatment”. It also incorporates the Institute’s vision which is “To be the leading diabetes institute in the MENA region and to be recognized internationally”.