GeoHealth Lab

The DDI Geohealth Lab is a partnership between the Dasman Diabetes Institute (DDI) and Deakin University to support population research in Kuwait by applying spatial epidemiology to understand and prevent chronic disease. 

The Geohealth Lab enables the elucidation of built, social, natural and physical environmental factors to be targeted by policy and practice-level innovations to reduce risk factors and treatment costs arising from diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Such work involves geospatial modelling with inferential, multi-level analyses assessing environmental features together with individual risk factors (diet, physical activity, smoking, clinical measures, biomarkers and disease outcomes) as these vary over time and change in response to policy, and public health and practice-based intervention.  Predictive modelling informs the depiction of high-priority target areas and provides stakeholders indispensable decision-making tools for the planning of public health policy and practice interventions. 

Meet the Geohealth Team

Click the button to know more about the DDI and Deakin University teams.

The goals of the Geohealth Lab are:

  • Provide a resource with appropriate flexibility in support of both public and private sector initiatives applying geospatial analysis of health and health care relevant data;
  • Exemplify a foremost collaborative effort to facilitate the geospatial analysis of public health data for prevention research involving internal and external partner agencies;
  • Support and co-ordinate existing expertise in trans-disciplinary geospatial analysis, health policy, health planning, environmental health analysis, and spatial epidemiology; and
  • Facilitate the development of new approaches and methodologies to sustain effective public health and health and medical care interventions.

Our Research

Staff associated with the GeoHealth Lab work on a range of health-related research projects with colleagues here in Kuwait and in Australia. 

Diabetes and Obesity

The international literature reflects consistent associations between obesity and Type 2 Diabetes with the built environment. However, the majority of this research is in North America, Europe, and Australia, with minimal research being conducted on the built environment and associations between diet and physical activity in the Arabian world. Our research at the DDI-GeoH adopts innovative solutions that focus on prevention and intervention. We focus on using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to detect disease clusters with statistical analysis of socio-demographic factors and spatial variations in built and physical environmental factors.

Food Environments

Infectious Diseases

For more information, contact the GeoHealth Lab

Phone: 22242999 (Extension: 2031)

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