AlKuwaitiya: DDI wins the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of NCD’s, prestigious award for its efforts in addressing diabetes and its complications
AlQabas: DDI wins the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of NCD’s, prestigious award for its efforts in addressing diabetes and its complications
Times: DDI wins the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of NCD’s, prestigious award for its efforts in addressing diabetes and its complications
AlWasat: DDI wins the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of NCD’s, prestigious award for its efforts in addressing diabetes and its complications
DDI wins the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of NCD’s
This is a prestigious award given to DDI its efforts in addressing diabetes and its complications After careful consideration by the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of noncommunicable
DDI was granted fourth patent for 2021
DDI’s researchers were granted the 4th patent of 2021 by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office for our new invention on “Methods of Inhibiting MMP-9” by our DDI Inventors from the department o
DDI granted 3rd patent right!
The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology researchers were granted the U.S. patent rights on our new invention “MicroRNA ANGPTL3 INHIBITOR” on 13th July 2021. The patent was ultimately issued from the U
DDI’s researchers on #1 show in Kuwait
DDI’s researchers were invited to the #1 show on KTV1 ‘Layali AlKuwait’ to discuss the latest research achievements and findings. Dr. Faisal Al-Refaei, Chief Operating Officer, Dr.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Unit are granted a patent
The DDI “Patent and Research Translation Committee” congratulates the researchers on the grant of U.S. patent on our new invention “Use of MicroRNA-103 as Inhibitor for dyslipidemia by repressin
AlQabas-Two COVID-19 strains can merge into a more contagious strain
Times-DDI’s researchers urge policy makers to speed up vaccine process
Alanbaa-Speed up COVID-19 vaccination to prevent from a deadlier COVID-19 strain
DDI joins a research study that explains why COVID-19 effects young adults
AlSeyassah-Scientists warn of the merge of 2 COVID-19 variants
Aljarida-In 2020, we confirmed the possible merge of two COVID-19 variants
DDI’s Latest Research Achievements
DDI receives 8 patents in diabetes research
AlQabas-The latest GeoHealth studies to tackle the diabetes epidemic
Dangers of COVID-19 increase with high blood sugar levels
Why are COVID-19 symptoms severe in young adults ?