Research at DDI

AlQabas-Prof Fahd Almulla explains why COVID-19 effects young adults

Research at DDI

AlJarida-DDI participates in a study to determine the cause of COVID-19 severity in young adults

Research at DDI

Meet the Scientist – Dr. Anwar Mohammad

Research at DDI

DR. ANWAR MOHAMMAD Meet the scientists behind DDI’s research Dr. Anwar joined DDI in 2012 as a scientist in the Department of Public Health. Since 2018, he has been working within the Bioch


Research at DDI

The rate of infection and mortality of SARS-CoV-2 varies based on the geographical spread of the virus as a consequence of several factors such as isolation, quarantine, differences in the genetic ma

DDI joins COVIDIAB, an international group of researchers that aim to investigate newly diagnosed COVID-19-related diabetes.

Research at DDI

Recent evidence emerges showing that COVID-19 may cause diabetes in patients with no previous history of diabetes. It has been well-established in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic that ob

AlQabas-High blood sugar levels increase risk of COVID-19

Research at DDI

Severity of COVID-19 increases with high blood glucose levels

Research at DDI

It is in our genes!

Research at DDI

New research study highlights differences in genetic risk for metabolic disease. In a recently published article in the Human Genetics Journal, Professor Fahd Al Mulla, Chief Scientific O

Dasman Diabetes Institute Honors the Kuwait Fire Service Directorate

Research at DDI

The senior management of Dasman Diabetes Institute represented by Dr. Hilal Al-Sayer, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Qais Al-Duwairi, Director-General, Dr. Faisal Al-Refaei, Chief Operati


Research at DDI

Dr. Sardar joined DDI in 2014 and has been serving as Scientist II and Manager of the Animal and Imaging Core Facility since 2016. He received his Ph.D. in Immunology and Virology from the Univer

Markers for Inflammation in Obesity and Diabetes

Research at DDI

DDI finds potentially critical biomarker of metabolic inflammation in obesity and diabetes Obesity, an important risk factor in the development of diabetes, is often associated with chronic infl

DDI Researchers Volunteer at Local Hospitals to Help with SARS-COV-2 Testing

Research at DDI

Researchers at DDI have volunteered their time and expertise to help screen patients for COVID-19 A group of DDI researchers offered to volunteer their skills at different local hospitals to hel

COVID-19: DDI Find Possible Link Between Genetics and Disease Severity

Research at DDI

Naturally occurring genetic variations in human populations may be the key to the differences in susceptibility to COVID-19 and the severity of its symptoms around the world. ACE2 and FURIN are im

Non-HDL cholesterol high in Asia

Research at DDI

Imperial College London released the below News on Wednesday, June 3rd 2020. The below press release summarizes a recently published study that highlights DDI’s contributions from Dr Monira Alarouj a

Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY): a time to act

Research at DDI

Dasman Diabetes Institute Announces Link Between Mortality Rates and genes

Research at DDI

Kuwait Times-DDI’s efforts to tackle diabetes research in Kuwait

Research at DDI

Times: Transforming the dynamics of diabetes

Research at DDI

Dr. Muthukrishnan Eaaswarkhanth

Research at DDI

Eaaswarkhanth joined DDI in March 2016, having previously worked at the State University of New York at Buffalo as well as New York State Department of Health, USA. He has a PhD in Molecular Populati

Metabolic disorders In kuwait – are our Ancestral genes to Blame?

Research at DDI

Why is the prevalence of obesity and metabolic disorders so high in the Middle East? Are diet and lifestyle choices the sole culprits? A new study1 conducted at Dasman Diabetes Institute may have fou

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