Dr. Fawaz Alzaid Presents at KU
Dr. Fawaz Alzaid, Senior Scientist & Head of the Bioenergetics & Neurometabolism department at DDI, presented at the College of Medicine, Kuwait University. His presentation was titled ‘
DDI Holds the 2nd Kuwaiti-Dutch Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symposium
Dasman Diabetes Institute held a Second Kuwaiti-Dutch Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symposium: Precision Identification of People with OSA, with the attendance of His Excellency Ambassador of the Kingdom o
DDI Collaborates with Prof. Mark Daniel
Prof. Mark Daniel, visiting Spatial Epidemiologist is working on multiple collaborations and projects with the GeoHealth Lab, Population Health department and Research Sector in DDI. Photo: Dr. F
DDI Concludes its Dasman Juniors Program
DDI’s Education & Training and Nutrition Departments conclude the Dasman Juniors Program for children with Type 1 diabetes at DDI.
DDI Organized a Joint Training Program with the MOD
DDI organized a Pharmacotherapy Training Program focused on persons with diabetes. This training program is for pharmacists and pharmacy workers at the Ministry of Defense (MOD) over two consecutive
DDI’s Mobile Clinic Visits the Canadian Embassy
Dasman Diabetes Institute paid a field visit to the Canadian Embassy today, using its Mobile Clinic to offer blood glucose testing, vital signs assessment and health advice to the staff.
DDI Visits Jabriya High School for Girls
Dasman Diabetes Institute participated at the Jabriya High School for Girls Event. Our Medical professionals were there to conduct medical tests for the students and staff, in addition to spreading a
Dr. Marc Prentki Meets with DDI’s Research Sector
Prof. Fahd Al-Mulla, Chief Scientific Officer at DDI chaired and moderated a debate between DDI scientists from the Dr. Mohamed Abu-Farha, Head of the Special Services Facility, and Dr. Jehad Abubake
Dr. Marc Prentki Presents a Scientific Lecture in DDI
Dasman Diabetes Institute held a Scientific Lecture today on Couter-Nutri-stress, cold resistance and promoting healthy aging, which was presented by Dr. Marc Prentki, Director of the Montreal Diabet
DDI’s Mobile Clinic Visits the Scientific Center
Dasman Diabetes Institute’s Mobile Clinic visited the Scientific Center for an inspection tour to conduct medical tests for the Center’s staff and its visitors, in addition to spreading a
DG Meets with WHO Delegates
A fruitful meeting between World Health Organization (WHO) and Dasman Diabetes Institute, discussing the potential designation of the Institute as a WHO Collaborating Center in podiatric care. In the
DG Meets with Director of European Research JDRF
Director General Dr. Qais AlDuwairi and Chief Medical Officer at DDI Dr. Ebaa Alozairi recently met with Dr. Jeannette Soderberg, the Director of the European Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (J
DDI Celebrates World Health Day!
On the occasion of World Health Day, DDI’s Mobile Clinic visited a Sabah Al-Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity (SACGC) Joint Academy. Read our post below. DDI’s Mobile Clini
DDI’s Mobile Clinic visits SACGC
On the occasion of World Health Day, DDI’s Mobile Clinic visited the Sabah Al-Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity (SACGC) Joint Academy to conduct medical examinations for students and s
DDI’s List of Recently Published Manuscripts
DDI announces its latest list of published manuscripts, wishing DDI researchers further progress and evolution.
Faculty of Public Health Students Visit DDI
Faculty of Public Health students from Kuwait University visited Dasman Diabetes Institute. They toured around DDI’s facilities and discovered the latest updates on Diabetes Education and Manag
DDI’s Mobile Clinic Visits Al-Rawda Secondary School for Girls
In coordination with the Sabah Al-Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity, Dasman Diabetes Institute’s Mobile Clinic was present today at Al-Rawda Secondary School for Girls on an inspection
DDI Concludes DAFNE Workshop
A group photo of DAFNE team at Dasman Diabetes Institute after the completion of the workshops with participants with Type 1 Diabetes.
DDI Participates in the Kuwait Down Syndrome Society Conference
Dasman Diabetes Institute participated in World Down Syndrome Day organized by Kuwait Down Syndrome Society Conference. Attendees were provided with awareness, educational and entertainment activitie
DDI Participates in the ‘Bringing Sciences Together’ at Kuwait University
Dasman Diabetes Institute participated in a Scientific Research Conference ‘Bringing Sciences Together’ at Kuwait University – Shadadiya. The Conference shed light on the connection between inn