Prize Awards
IDF Centre of Excellence

In 2023, DDI’s IDF Centre of Excellence status was renewed. The Institute was awarded for its efforts in education and training of medical professionals and people with diabetes. DDI’s recognition as being part of a collaborative network, both internationally and regionally, enhances its ability to initiate, coordinate, facilitate, and conduct diabetes education programs.
More about our journey
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF)— an umbrella organization of over 230 national diabetes associations in more than 160 countries and territories —recognized the DDI as an ‘IDF Centre of Excellence’ for diabetes, for its distinguished role in the field of research and medical care it provides, in addition to the institute’s cooperation and efforts represented in optimal care, patient awareness and comprehensive care in the field of diabetes and its various complications.
An IDF Centre of Excellence is a diabetes institution (clinical/research institute) designated by IDF to form part of an international collaborative voluntary network to initiate, coordinate, facilitate and conduct holistic diabetes services and multidisciplinary education in diabetes and other related chronic diseases.
DDI met the criteria to be an “IDF Centre of Excellence in Diabetes Care”. Since 2020, DDI started applying for the mentioned recognition, which was well deserved since DDI has demonstrated that its mission and vision coincides with IDF’s mission and vision and it operates as a Centre of Excellence in diabetes care in several ways.
- DDI not only leads a multidisciplinary team approach to managing diabetes and its complications, but also conducts research and contributes to the scientific community.
- It also succeeds to maintain the highest standards of diabetes care in Kuwait to encourage and influence quality improvement in diabetes care on a national and regional scale.
- DDI’s Medical Sector uses a MDT approach to deliver the best medical care by using latest evidence- based practices to manage all aspects of diabetes care, education, management, treatment and prevention of diabetes complications, as well as, prevention of diabetes.
- DDI is governed by a Board of Trustees (BOT) and has a governance management framework that manages its resources and monitors performance: Ethical Review Committee, Animal Care Ethics Committee and Office for Regulatory Affairs.
- DDI has a modern, robust and effective infrastructure, equipped with the highest standard of medical/clinical equipment: Rooms/furniture, teaching tools, materials, AV and technological support available/owned by institute
- DDI offers many distinguished educational courses for different age groups of people with diabetes as well as many specialized programs.
- DDI constantly holds advanced training programs to train healthcare professionals including nutritionists, nurses, podiatrists, educators and other professionals working in all hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health, in order to meet the needs of the Ministry of Health, and that the institute is fully prepared to provide everything that contributes to improving the standards and quality of diabetes care and education nationally.
This recognition will contribute to strengthening the role of DDI at the regional and international levels, augments its role as a part of IDF international cooperative network to coordinate and prepare for more efforts in the field of diabetes awareness and enabling patients to control their diabetes.
Royal College of Surgeons of England

DDI was able to maintain the certification by the Royal College of Surgeons of England to deliver Basic Surgical Skills (BSS) until June 2025.
This course introduces surgical trainees to safe surgical practice within a controlled workshop environment and aims to “teach, assess and certify” the ability of trainees to use safe and sound surgical techniques that are common to all forms of surgery.
View Certificate

Ongoing Accreditations
DDI strives to continuously meet international standards to deliver safe and high-quality care.
- DDI was able to meet all the applicable standards to maintain the College of American Pathologists (CAP) accreditation since 2018 and has continuously renewed and valid until February 2024. DDI is preparing for the next CAP Accreditation cycle that will start from Feb 2024 till Feb 2026.
- DDI received the 15 years of excellence recognition award in 2023. Accreditation Canada (AC) standards working groups team members continued to uphold the DDI accreditation Diamond Level since 2018, reflecting our commitment to focus on the achievement of quality care and patient safety by monitoring outcomes, using evidence and best practice to improve services, and benchmarking with peer organizations to drive system level improvements.
- DDI has maintained the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) verified approval to earn the HIPAA Seal of Compliance since 2019. The current Seal of Compliance certification was renewed June 2023 and is valid until June 2024.